Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Hooray for letter Q! Story time Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday! It was a rainy morning at the library! A perfect storm of story time excitement! I was thrilled because a patron whose family are regular and avid readers, brought her little girl and their 3 week old baby boy for his very first visit to the library! I feel that this is quite an honor because they are such regular patrons with avid readers and I'll get to watch another little one grow up!

Anyway, letter Q isn't as tough to find topics for as you might think. I read Giggle, Giggle, Quack by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin, Quick As a Cricket by Don and Audrey Wood, and The very Quiet Cricket by Eric Carle. Giggle, Giggle, Quack was a very fun book and all the kids enjoyed the silliness. I used three puppets that I have that quack, moo, and oink when you squeeze them. So when the animals giggle in the story, I squeezed them along with my laughing for a great bunch of noise. Quick As a Cricket has fantastic paintings that the kids found fascinating. It was a fun read while I had their rapt attention. Finally, The Very Quiet Cricket went over o.k. I understand that children like repetitive text, but I feel this one over did it. It's pretty much the same 3 sentences on each page. I do know that at the quiet part at the end, all the kids were laser focused. It was a good way to end story time.

What did we do today?

ABC Action from Heidisongs.

Greeting Song- We're All here!
Here, here, we're all here!
Here, here, we're all here!
Here, here, we're all here!
We're here at story time!

Hello _____. How are you?
Hello _____. How are you?
Hello _____. How are you?
I'm glad you're here today!

Letter Q song/dance from Heidisongs.

Letter Q sort- This was inspired by the ABC games you can find a, a WONDERFUL early literacy website. Some parts you have to pay for, but the ABC section is totally free. I have used it at home on our tablet with both boys and they have each known their alphabet and most sounds before they were two years old. I can't recommend this website enough. There is plenty to do for free and the yearly subscription is quite cost effective as well.
Anyway, using the flannel board, I cut two baskets out of brown felt. I wrote a capital Q on one, and a lowercase q on the other. I then used a bubble style font to print out six of each capital and lowercase Q/q.. I put velcro on the back and the kids helped me sort between capital/lowercase q's. They had to put the Q's in the correct basket. It was a lot of fun! I will do this again, for sure!

Craft: Letter Q queens!
1.) I cut out a letter Q template from an internet print out.
2.) I used yellow paper to cut out crowns from an internet printout
3.) We glued the crown to the top of the Q
4.) We glued jewel stickers to the crowns and Q's.
5.) I cut out strands of yarn for the kids to glue to the Q's as hair.

 Even Paula had a great time!

See you next time for letter R!

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